I Will Not Choreograph The Next Destruction

I Will Not Choreograph The Next Destruction

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Lavatory - World War 3 (1989)

Lavatory - World War III
While the name would suggest a shitty (heh-heh) sound, Lavatory competently navigate through varied tempo shifts and riff styles throughout this record. There are slow moments, fast/blast moments, catchy chord progressions and cool lead guitar on all the tracks. Enough to keep Jap punk fanatics wet at the mouth for sure.

The guitar isn't the most thick sounding, but, when compared to their contemporaries, it's powerful in it's own way. Like a fair amount of Jap punk bands, there is a big focus on lead guitar. Here the lead tone is pretty good and the lines the guitar player rips out are impressive and tasteful. The vocals are snotty, so while they aren't vicious, they do retain melodic sensibility...well for shouting they do. And the gang vocals are a nice touch as well. The bass sounds like it's amp is turned up to 10. Nice and crunchy. While the drums use a varied mixture of beats; from bass/snare, d-beats, punctures, basic rock beats, and clever snare gallops.

In typical fashion, there is no info on Lavatory anywhere on the net. Which leads me to believe that
this was the only record they made. Major bummer, because this stuff is awesome.

Linky, Link:

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