I Will Not Choreograph The Next Destruction

I Will Not Choreograph The Next Destruction

Sunday 16 August 2015

Ghoul - Carry Out Fucking (1984)

Ghoul - Carry Out Fucking (1984)
Fronted by the one-armed bandit motherfucker, Masami, Ghoul are one of the seminal Japcore bands.
Along with GISM, Confuse, GAI, The Sexual, (as well as many others) Ghoul are in the 'Japanese punk bands you must hear' category. However, i'd have to say that they probably aren't as well known as the aftermentioned bands. This is surprising considering Masami's infamy. Apparently he was known for being an 'ard bastard, fighting, causing trouble, and being a general badass. He kept Ghoul going in various permutations after the original band split up in 1985, releasing records under the name Sqwad as well as his own name. Unfortunately he passed on in the early 90s due to the 'demon drink', puking blood on stage, and going into a coma afterwards. As for other members, information is low on the ground. Bassist, Hitoshi Ebihara, known as Bear Bomb has played in a few other bands such as Last Bomb who put out some great records in the 80s, Final Bombs, and Shadow of Fear (with the legendary Kawakami!). I have no idea who the guitarist or drummer are or what they went on to do. Totally weird considering the guitar-work here...is stuff of legend and awe. According to Discogs the guitarist is called Max, and has done sweet F.A. since Ghoul. And the drummer, Tetsu, was on the Virgin Rocks 7' Shut Up from 1986.

Carry Out Fucking is Ghoul's first record. Is it their best? That's a tough one...Ghoul only put out two
EPs in their original form as well as a few single tracks dotted about. What's really admirable is how they changed in direction multiple times, but somehow kept the same vibe. Carry Out Fucking is a veritable feast of punk. Sakevi-like creepy laughing, heavy riffing, fast-but not to fast-pace, prominent bass, d-beats, burly shouts, and menacing vibes all around. This record slays. Jerusalem, Ghoul's second record, is much more rocking.Very Motorhead influenced, but also having a definite metal influence in areas. Altogether a different beast.

The guitars here are a magnificent mix of fast punk, Motorhead'n'roll bendy leads, and frenetic bursts of speed. The bass has a surprisingly clean, clicky tone that punctures through the bands sound, while the drums d-beat to hell, ripping fills at any given chance. Altogether, Ghoul are a bit like GISM, minus the super crazy, delirious, and all around sick sound.

Link from the ridiculously awesome kyoukinonihon blog because MEGA is pissing me about: 

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