I Will Not Choreograph The Next Destruction

I Will Not Choreograph The Next Destruction

Monday 3 August 2015

Dead Cops - Kill The Cops (1984)

Dead Cops - Kill The Cops
Dead Cops - Kill The Cops (1984)
Kill The Cops is the only record by Dead Cops. However, there is a rad live bootleg over at Terminal Escape, Although Dead Cops were a Japanese band, the vocalist, Roger, is an American. I can only assume he moved to Japan for a while and then went back to the US to work as a stagehand/AV tech from the nineties-present.You can find his blog HERE, but his MP3's are long dead.

According to Roger, Dead Cops were around for a mere nine months around the 83/84 mark. However, nearly all the members went on to have much more success in the Jap punk underground. Obviously Tatsu lended his axe-mastery to Gastunk, Jha Jha went to do vocals in Lip Cream, and Roger played in SiC among other bands.

Obviously it's a bit strange with an American fronting a Jap band. You see this record listed as Jap hardcore, and you get someone who doesn't sound Japanese whatsoever as the focal point. This makes for the record being somewhat underwhelming. However, the track Kill The Cops is pretty meaty. Maybe Rog was trying to sound like Sakevi?

Jeff Bale reviewed this record in Maximum Rock'n'Roll, way back in 1984:
A Japanese band that seems to be heavily influenced by MDC in terms of both moniker and lyrical concerns, though they're far more superficial if not fatuous. Their sound, however, is a dense metallic buzz underlying raspy, zombie-like vocals (especially on the title song). I think the singer is American.
Jeff Bale (from Maximum Rocknroll #16, August 1984)

Like Jeff states. It's a bit like MDC lyrically as well as musically...only not as genuine. With that said, this is a pretty good flexi. Tatsu absolutely lets rip in title track, showing what he was capable of before his masterclass in shred with Gastunk! Rogers vocals are so-so. The bass is rough and ready, and the drums pound along dutifully. Pretty standard really. If all the tracks were like Kill The Cops, this would be a total winner.

Linky, Link:

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